From my heart and soul


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My blog comes from the heart and is infused with divine downloads from Spirit. This is where I share my personal and professional experience to guide, support and empower you with tools and techniques to navigate your own unique spiritual journey.

11 FEB 2022 • Rachel Blom 11 FEB 2022 • Rachel Blom

5 Tips to Awaken Your Intuition

*This blog is subject to Copyright Laws. Please credit use of my work*

Have you ever had a gut feeling, premonition, hunch or sense of inner knowing, about something or someone in your life?

Does it happen often, occasionally or out of the blue... yet escapes you when needed the most?

Would you like to awaken your intuition and learn to trust what you receive?

To discern between your inner voice, fear voice and all of the noise?

If so, read on...

KNOW that you’re already an intuitive being, with 24/7 access to the divine. All you need to do is quieten your mind, expand your awareness, raise your vibration and dedicate time (and patience) to practice it.

Here’s 5 tips to get you started:

1) Acknowledge your intuition
Acknowledge that you ARE already intuitive! Take a moment to appreciate this innate gift! Recall any times in your life when you received insights, signs, sychronicities, downloads, guidance and messages. Jot them down and refer to them often, especially in times of doubt.

2) Be still and listen
Align your conscious mind with the divine! Create space each day for mental quiet, contemplation and meditation (even if it’s just 5 minutes!). Tune into your heart, expand your consciousness and ask “What do I need to know?”. Practice receiving information and discerning the difference between your guidance and the rest of the noise.

3) Ask and receive
Believe NOW that you are deserving of your dreams! Set heartfelt intentions and focus on future potentials. Feel your desires as if they’ve already arrived. Infuse them with love and hand them over to a higher power. Trust they will be manifested in line with your highest good and the highest good of all concerned.

4) Listen and act
It’s time to co-create! Listen to your inner wisdom and act any inspiration and divine guidance. Take inspired action steps towards your dreams. Look out for signs, symbols, synchronicities and snags such as feathers, butterflies, numbers, words and thoughts. Be grateful for everything you receive!

5) Practice and repeat
Practice using your intuition every day! Take what pops and see what you get. Daily devotion builds confidence, connection, accuracy and trust. It also strengthens your intuitive abilities like a muscle. Don’t ‘try’ too hard though, or be discouraged if nothing seems to be happening. Pause, receive (don’t force) and allow! Repeat.

I have decades of experience, along with a vast array of spiritual, sacred tools, teachings and practices to support your intuitive development. Please reach out if you’d like to know more.

For now though, I’d love to know how you go with my 5 tips…

Rachel x

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8 DEC 2021 • Rachel Blom 8 DEC 2021 • Rachel Blom

Protect Your Back From Psychic Attack

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Do you protect your back from psychic attack? 🤔

Most people I work with have their back bodies exposed and are vulnerable to attack, without even knowing it...

What is psychic attack?

It's when someone consciously or unconsciously projects negative energy, harm, ill will or darkness your way.

It comes from fear based thoughts, beliefs and emotions such as envy, jealously, anger, rage, resentment + unresolved trauma, past lives, shadow behaviour and ancestral pain.

Psychic attacks can be intended to hurt, hinder or harm on a physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level.

To protect yourself from psychic attack, practice my 4 steps DAILY:

1) Scan your body and energy field for any leaks, tears or openings and imagine breathing in an electric gold protective light. Send it to every part of your body and spread it outwards to your energy field.

2) Intensify this light by asking God/Source/Spirit Guides to magnify it's protective powers and send back anything that is unloving, harmful, hurtful or not yours.

3) Power up your protective field regularly throughout the day and night. Be aware of how your body and energy responds to different people, places and situations.

4) Pay special attention to your back body whenever you power up with this protective golden light - as mentioned, many of my clients have their back bodies exposed and are more vulnerable to attack.

Remember to practice it daily and ask for divine support!

I’d love to know how you go…

Rachel x

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29 NOV 2021 • Rachel Blom 29 NOV 2021 • Rachel Blom

Soul Care Is The New Self Care

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You know all about self care right... but do you practice soul care?

What's that now?!

From bubble baths, breathwork, body movement to books - self care tends to your physical and psychological 'self' - i.e. your body, emotions and mind.

Soul care however, nourishes you on a much deeper level and tends to your whole self. From your spirit and spiritual side, to your body, emotions and mind.

Soul care awakens you to the truth of who you are - lovable, worthy, deserving and divine, at the essence of your being. It reconnects you to yourself and others. It also realigns you with the divine.

Transform your self care into soul care today, by embodying my 4 R's...

1) REST: Think deep and restful practices to soothe your body, mind and soul (it's not napping) - guided relaxations, yoga nidra, meditation, grounding, yin yoga, restorative yoga and binaural beats as you sleep.

2) REPLENISHMENT: Your soul loves to be childlike and play! Let loose with some free dancing (like no-one's watching), singing, creative arts, belly laughs, passion projects, soul pleasures, heart coherence and fun with pets or children.

3) REPENTANCE: Develop a relationship and dialogue with the divine - God/ the Universe/ Spirit/ Source/ Higher Self (don’t let language be a barrier). Practice prayer, forgiveness, atonement, journaling, chanting, energy work and mantra.

4) RESTORATION: Co-create your life based on your soul's true calling. Honour your inner wisdom and power by feeling into future potentials, creating a vision board, course correcting, raising your vibration and practicing visualisation.

Practice as many of these as you can every day, to live your life in a soul-led way!

And tell me…

Which ones resonate with you? Are you called to practice them, or create some of your own?

I'd love to hear from you!

Rachel x

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8 AUG 2021 • Rachel Blom 8 AUG 2021 • Rachel Blom

6 Ways To Manifest Lion's Gate Magic

It all begins with an idea.


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Are you ready to boost your abundance and manifest some serious magic?

Today's the 8th of the 8th. A HUGE day in Astrology and Numerology.

It's the Lion's Gate Portal, a rare gateway (portal) into the spiritual and physical worlds. Basically, it offers a bridge to accelerate your soul's awakening, evolution and illumination! A time to trust in yourself, others and Spirit.

Lion's Gate is about living from your heart and aligning with your passions and purpose.  It's a super charged time to step into your light and tap into your most authentic self, to manifest powerful transformations in your life.

Whilst it occurs between 26 July to 12 August each year, Lion's Gate is activated today, the 8th of August. And this year it's especially potent, as it combines the New Moon energy with the number 8  (in numerology it means: harmony, abundance, strength, confidence, power, resilience and infinity).

So, why not align with this energy and be your most brave, bold, courageous and authentic self? 

Here's 6 Ways to Manifest it's Magic:

1) Set your intentions - Feel deeply into the things you'd like to change, create and manifest in your life. Connect with your heart's deepest desires and then write them down. Focus on aligning your energy with Spirit and reaffirming your intentions daily, until you've anchored them into the physical world. Have faith in miraculous outcomes!

2) Let go - Release the past and shed limiting beliefs, conditioning, grievances, shadows, patterns and old wounds, Let go of any people, places and things that no longer serve your soul. Journal. Practice Forgiveness. Pray. Do shadow/inner child work. Get creative. Let go with love and welcome new ways of seeing and operating in the world!

3) Embrace the unknown - Stop fearing the unknown and blocking your true path, purpose and potential. Cease any complaining, comparing, separating and/or creating limitations around yourself, others and Spirit. It's a time to be bold, courageous and brave and to take up space in the unknown. Believe in yourself and embrace all miracles, gifts, opportunities and infinite possibilities coming your way! Stay open, elevated and go with the flow.

4) Trust the Universe - Now's a perfect time to have full faith in the Universe and it's divine plan for you. To trust in unexpected outcomes and connect with your passions, dharma and purpose. Tune into and follow the signs, guidance and nudges from Spirit and any whispers from your soul. Allow your destiny to unfold organically and get out of your own way! Devote yourself to the divine and move forward with grace.

5) Take pride in yourself - Practice daily rituals, protect your energy field and nourish yourself emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Choose to see Spirit in yourself, others and all things. Forgive yourself and love yourself in the now. Learn your lessons and accept your blessings. Step into your authentic power, embrace your passions and own your light. Be who you truly are and let yourself ROAR!

6) Live your dream life - You deserve to receive and live the life of your dreams! No more playing life small, people pleasing or hiding your light - now's the time to dream big and co-create your most inspired life. Know that anything is possible when you trust Spirit, embrace your light and align with this powerful energy. It's time to unleash your pure potential. Visualise it, feel it, live it - then show up and shine!

I truly believe that anything is possible for you!

Let me know how you go.

Rachel ♡

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26 AUG 2020 • Rachel Blom 26 AUG 2020 • Rachel Blom

What If Life’s Happening For You, Not To You?

It all begins with an idea.


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What if life's happening for you, not to you?

I've been in and out of home isolation for a few months now.

As someone who has an autoimmune dis-ease (it doesn't have me), I trust the advice of my GP and guides, both of whom are guiding me to be cautious at this time (which is why I'm currently only available online).

Thankfully, I'm blessed with my work, family, dogs and friends. I've also got a solid yoga and spiritual practice that keeps me flexible, adaptable, supported, connected and tuned into my body's needs.

What's been revealed to me during this transformational time, is just how much I needed the break. I've been going full steam ahead for so many years now, that it's been timely for me to pause, reflect and reconnect with myself, my passions, path and purpose.

As you may know, I've been on a challenging healing journey with my wrist (after a roller skating accident almost 3 years ago, where several Dr's told me I'd never use it again), that changed my body and physical yoga practice dramatically. Whilst it hasn't been the most pleasant of paths (more on that another time), it has cracked me open to new opportunities, people and practices. 

Cue another one of my lessons in trust, faith and divine timing.

My healing journey led me to seek out an amazing Medical Intuitive in the US, whom I discovered rather randomly (yet effortlessly). What started out as a calling to work with her on my own healing, resulted in a life changing calling of my own. She's now mentoring and training me to become a Medical Intuitive. Who knew?!

It also led me to another powerful practice called, "Qi Gong" - an ancient system of exercise and healing techniques, which involves meditation, self-massage, movement and breathing. It has roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy and martial arts (which is right up my alley given I'm a black-tip belt in Taekwondo).  Qi Gong's so good that I'm currently studying to be a Qi Gong Teacher too. Again, who knew?!

What I thought was happening to me, was actually happening for me.

In essence, what initially started as a severe wrist injury, quest for healing and pandemic pause, evolved into two powerful practices that have paved a new passion and purpose for me.  I didn't plan or force them. They just panned out for me - when I got out of my own way.

So, it got me thinking that life doesn't always work out the way we want, or unfold the way we think it should - right?!

And when it doesn't go to our plan, we often get stressed, frustrated, angry, upset, defiant or drained.  We can also become stuck, stagnant or stifled; OR we can adjust our sails, set ourselves free and embrace where life takes us...

Why not ask yourself, what if...

>  Life's happening FOR YOU and not to you, in line with the divine plan?
>  It leads to your awakening, expansion, transformation and growth?
>  These experiences and lessons form part of your souls journey and contract?
>  Things works out better than you ever could have imagined or planned?
>  Everything's working out as it's meant to, for your highest good?

One thing I've learned in my own life, is that there's little point rebuking or resisting the Universe or God's plan. Acceptance, faith, surrender and co-creation are key.

Feel into this...

>  What if your experiences are happening FOR YOU and not to you?
>  What are your lessons and blessings?
>  Where are you forcing, grabbing or grasping in life?
>  How can you get out of your own way?
>  What would it be like to let go, trust and go with the flow?

It's all about reframing situations and events, to support and empower you! To pave a purposeful life of your own.

Rachel ♡

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7 APR 2020 • Rachel Blom 7 APR 2020 • Rachel Blom

5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

How are you vibrating right now? High, low or you don't really know...?


*This blog is subject to Copyright Laws. Please credit use of my work*

How are you vibrating right now? High, low or you don't really know...?

Become aware by tuning into how you feel/have been feeling, your surroundings and what you're attracting in your life. (Please do this exercise in a loving, compassionate and non-judgmental way).

If you're feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, worried, angry, fearful, bitter or fatigued etc (you're not alone!) - chances are you could benefit from a shift in vibration.

YOU are meant to feel good AND experience good in your life!

A vibrational shift can help you to: feel better physically, mentally and emotionally; step into your power and purpose; feel connected to yourself and the world; improve your relationships; experience more peace, love, light, joy and abundance; increase motivation and productivity + much more!

So what are you waiting for...?

Why not try out my 5 ways to raise your vibration, in 5 minutes (or less!). These quick hacks will help you to raise your vibration, elevate your energy field and shift any lower frequencies - to feel lighter and brighter in body, mind and spirit!

The higher your frequency, the higher you'll vibrate and attract the things you want more of in your life!

Like anything, raising your vibration gets easier with practice, repetition and consistency (think learning to drive a car or ride a bike - it's tricky at first right?!). If it's uncomfortable to start with, just keep practicing until it becomes more natural to you. Pick one or two points below that resonate with you and maybe add more, or some of your own. 

Let's get started...

5 ways to raise your vibration in 5 minutes (or less!):

1) Ho'opoonono Prayer
Practice the Ho'opoonono Prayer. Put your hands together in prayer pose, drop your awareness into your heart, gently close your eyes and repeat... "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you". Repeat it over and over with faith and feeling. Practice this morning, noon and night! 

2) Smile and breathe
Wake up and smile - whether you feel like it or not! Walk around the house with a big smile on your face. Close your eyes and smile with your mouth, eyes, heart and cells. Breathe in a smiling energy to every part of your being. Breathe out stress and tension. Turn that frown upside down!

3) Give it to God or the Universe
Give it to God or the Universe. Say "Please take this_______ from me and transform it into a miracle". Then hand it over, let go and have faith (visualise and feel this)! As "A Course in Miracles" says, it's not enough to bring the light to the darkness, we must take the darkness to the light.

4) Nature and Nurture
Go outside, look around and look up! Observe the beauty and synchronicity of nature. Feel the earth beneath your feet. The sun kissing your skin. Ground yourself. Breathe in the fresh air. Feel the breeze in your hair. Lay on the ground and watch the clouds. Nurture your spirit in nature. 

5) Thanking over Thinking
Stop thinking and start thanking! Whenever you have a negative thought or experience a negative narrative, say "THANK YOU"! Express gratitude and appreciation for all of the things you already have in your life. For the new things. For the big and small things. For all things!

Practice them daily and let me know how you go!

Rachel ♡

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